新成员欢迎会 Welcome Meeting
时间: 2015-09-26 19:20 - 21:00 地点: 旧水303 sfd talks
欢迎各位新同学加入 TUNA,本学期共有 33 位同学加入,新成员见面会将于 9 月 26 日(星期六)晚 19:20 在旧水-303进行。
- 见面交流,知道大家长啥样,交朋友
- 简单介绍 TUNA 的历史、活动内容、好玩的项目
- 介绍 TUNA 邮件列表的正确使用方法、如何融入团队
- 了解成员兴趣取♂向,安排本学期线下活动
Welcome to TUNA, we have a welcome-meeting for our new members.
- Date&Time: Sept. 26 (Saturday) 19:20
- Location: Room 303, Old Hydraulic Engineering Bld. (See the map below)
During this meeting, we’re gonna
- Introduce ourselves and make friends with each other
- Introduce TUNA, including its history, events and interesting projects
- Talk about how to use mailing list - our main communication protocol
- Make plans for this semester’s montly reports
We also bought mooncakes, the traditional food for mid-autumn festival, for this meeting.